
Could we have imagined architectural shapes like these in the era of the Eiffel Tower (1887)? During the age of the Pyramids of Egypt (3200 BCE)?

Coming Soon A revival of high-quality long form journalism is a top priority for Innovatia, as we understand that today’s readers have not lost interest in beautifully written pieces on a variety of enduring subjects. There is still an appetite for it – they simply are not offered enough. Maria Ressa, Nobel Peace Prize winning journalist and author of “How to Stand Up to a Dictator”, is in our lineup, dishing out hard facts on social media and the dangers it poses to democracy. Our Paris correspondent, Joel Stratte-McClure, is beavering away at a definitive story on the ten-year program to de-car Paris, and the implications and possibilities this holds for other cities. Here in Australia, we’re interested in the fortunes of our National Gallery, in Canberra – its acquisition policy, intent, and growth plans for the future. We’ll also be featuring an update and review of the insufficiently read “best of” Australia’s national long-range plans – the CSIRO’s Australian National Outlook report, which asks “What will our nation look like in 2060 economically, socially, environmentally?” Compelling content is always incoming, and we welcome reader suggestions for big topics to




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