

very actively engaged in economic diversifica- tion. On a smaller scale, Logan City, Ipswich and Toowoomba, all in easy reach of Brisbane are planning their futures with an eye to em- ployment and business development. Further afield, Townsville and Cairns, particu- larly the former have been actively diversifying and to effect; the city is successfully growing its manufacturing and technical service sector and experienced a surge of population in the past decade of over 15 per cent. In southern Queensland, sizable population and talent inflows from overseas and the south- ern states continue year on year. Quality of life cannot be underestimated as a prominent eco- nomic driver. The result of these progressive forces result in a broader, deeper, and more complex -dura- ble-economy. Inevitably, collaboration, interac- tivity, and business creativity follow. A powerful virtuous cycle is gaining momentum. Hence, convergence. Queensland is entering a period when disparate forces are coming together in significant ways, and a focussed explication is exceptionally timely. This special report has been commissioned by a distinguished Advisory Board, which includes Queensland innovation luminaries like Ben Ke- hoe, long term Brisbane based innovation con- sultant and author. Financially backed, in part, by the Queensland Government and endorsed by Queensland Premier The HON Annastac- ia Palaszczuk MP and the current Queensland Chief Entrepreneur Julia Spicer OAM, though the report remains independent as an Innova- tia editorial analysis. This major report, likely the largest ever in content and certainly in relevant audience size,

will contain 10 pages dedicated to the Queens- land Government’s recent group of innovation funding programs and their likely flow on ef- fects. As a stimulus to the “organic” growth seen in nearly all sectors of the economy, their impact will no doubt be of significance. Innova- tia will examine the mechanisms and thrust of government funding as a crux of innovation. This panoply of positive factors, coupled with the still perhaps underestimated impact of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games, calls for a rigorous business analysis. The Innovatia report will inform leaders in business and in- dustry, investors, and potential new residents in a comprehensive manner, and form medi- um- and longer-term views, as well as provide acute commentary on the state of innovation in the Sunshine State.

Regarding the recent innovation funding pack- age of approximately $150 million, how long was this program in formation, prior to delivery? Knowledge and innovation are crucial drivers of competitiveness and growth, which is why we committed to the Advance Queensland journey in 2015.

We want to drive innovation and entrepre- neurship, and be a leader in the global economy. We believe new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotech are spawning a range of new and interconnected industries, including circular, renewable energy, personal- ised health, biofutures, and digital economies. We are future-proofing our economy and job




| Queensland Economic and Innovation Special Report


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