
Queensland’s health system and aims to op- timise patient care while improving access, equality and quality. It includes seven system priorities: reform, First Nations; workforce, consumer safety and quality; health services; public policy; and research. The CPSS already has some runs on the board. Colleen says different branches and divisions have been linking up and cross-pollinating strat- egies for meeting the HEALTHQ32 vision. “There’s been a lot of collaboration, particularly in the capital space. In Queensland we have a $10 billion capital programme, and we are now show- ing some much more synergistic approaches.” She cites infrastructure planning as an example. “We are bringing the technology innovations that are being identified into the planning process for buildings, to ensure we don’t build anything without considering the needs of future service delivery. In the past it has sometimes been the re- verse, where first the infrastructure gets delivered and then you work out how you’re going to deliv- er your services within that. The flow of work is much more streamlined now, with the front end The CPSS is also working to ensure new ideas are translated into action through the Office of Re- search and Innovation. ORI is a division focused on fostering creative ideas, turning those ideas into research excellence, and then translating that research into innovative healthcare. ORI Executive Director Julie White says the organisation is focussed on driving an ecosys- tem that empowers innovation in order to find frontier solutions. “Often people think, ‘I’ve got a great idea but informing what happens.” Turning ideas into action

I haven’t got the time, or the resources’. We need people to know they will be supported, whether it’s a niche project worth a small amount of mon- ey, or a clinical trial worth millions. Their ideas will be rewarded.”

“A sustainable healthcare system is the culmination of effective research, careful assessment of outcomes and action.”

The ORI has a broad portfolio. It matches Queens- land’s world-class research and clinical capabili- ties – in hospitals, universities, research institutes and businesses – with partners; creates robust in- tellectual property frameworks and secures pat- ents, and conducts business outreach and indus- try engagement. Julie has a strong focus on translation. “Historically, it was like the engine room was broken. We put money into the engine, but we never went to see whether or not it came back out again. That translation part of the journey was missing,” Julie says. “We now unpack the results of our research, examine what worked, and put learnings into practice. This is how we create a healthcare sys- tem that is sustainable. Anything less is simply a band-aid over the problems.” The CPSS stands as a potent force, melding in- genuity and insight to shape the future of health- care. As we navigate a new epoch, Queensland Health’s approach to innovation and collabora- tion illuminates a path towards a healthier fu- ture for all.

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