
being recognised as Sunshine Coast Business of the Year to Telstra Queensland Business of the Year, and then Queensland Regional Exporter of the Year. Our growing success in export markets to date has proven that regional businesses can absolutely leverage Queensland entrepreneur- ship, technology, and talent to deliver products and services that solve complex problems on the world stage. The result is a business that is proud- ly local, with global impact. Standout high-growth businesses such as GO1 and Safety Culture are further examples of the spectacular global reach that can be achieved by leveraging digital technologies from exurban, ru- ral, and remote Queensland locations. The GO1 scale-up has demonstrated the value of challeng- ing conventional thinking around CBD centric HQs. Co-Founder Vu Tran proudly speaks about

outside of major capital cities. Despite now running offices globally, Safety Culture still maintains an office in Townsville where Luke first started the business. When considering the disruptive effects of new digital technologies that enable higher levels of connectivity and knowledge transfer, it is logical to predict the top talent that is required to leverage these technologies will become more distributed globally and move to locations with a better life- style offering. It is then reasonable to expect that both capital and business investment will do the same, following talent migration away from ma- jor centres. The impact of increased levels of dig- ital connectivity across industries and workplaces globally has effectively caused an accelerated flow- over effect, immediately deepening the talent pool for technology-centric businesses that are located outside of the major capital cities. Considerations of proximity and access to mar- ket have also been further challenged in recent years. Like workplaces, many industries have ad- justed their expectations around how business is conducted from different countries with a much higher acceptance of digital tools enabling remote connectivity and trade. There has also been a pro- nounced consolidation of global options to pref- erence trade between like countries that can of- fer greater certainty and stability in supply. These things together have created a unique opportuni- ty to participate in a revised model of global trade that favours greater collaboration between like minded countries as well as supporting more ac- tivity in a wider range of locations. The evolving global sentiment around interac- tions between companies, markets, and work- places has also highlighted some of the unique opportunities around scaling globally competi-

tive businesses from locations outside of major centres. Now, the renewed importance of resil- ience through community and connection, both locally and globally, combined with evolving ex- pectations of work and life balance from found- ers and top talent alike makes clear the opportu- nity for business in Queensland – where a special blend of innovation, growth mindset and quality of life have perhaps always been understood by those who choose to live and work here

GO1 choosing to strategically invest in building their HQ in the Queensland suburban centre of Logan, where he grew up, and where they enjoy a close link to the local community and talent pool. Safety Culture Founder Luke Anear has also al- ways been passionate about realising growth opportunities from the regions and has demon- strated that high-value, high-growth business- es can most certainly be established and grown “Many industries have adjusted their expectations around business dealings in the international arena with a much higher acceptance of digital tools ena- bling remote connectivity and trade.”

Will Shrapnel is the Founder and Managing Direc- tor of HeliMods.





| Queensland Economic and Innovation Special Report


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