
THE “QUEENSLAND ENTREPRENEUR” – GROWING GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE BUSINESSES IN QUEENSLAND Against a backdrop of disruption to global priorities and trade, new frontiers of digital technologies, and the universal readjustment towards work-life balance within developed countries, Queensland’s entrepreneurs have continued to innovate and evolve their businesses to show the world how global impact and scale can be delivered from within our state’s local communities. By Will Shrapnel E ntrepreneurship, to me, is the relentless pursuit of growth and opportunity, enabled by a mindset that will challenge conven-

Growing up in Queensland, I was able to enjoy everything that’s great about living in the Sun- shine State. Being from a regional area, I started building and flying model aircraft with my dad at a young age and developed a passion for avia- tion. I wanted to pursue a technical career in aer- ospace, but at that time, industry opportunities close to home were limited. Like many others, I had to move away to gain the skills and experi- ence for the career I wanted, but it was my aim to one day combine my career with the great life- style of the Sunshine Coast, where I grew up. It became clear to me back then that the only way for me to achieve this would be to start my own business. So, with the support of another local business offering me an unused part of a hangar at Caloundra Aerodrome and some work to help me get going, I started HeliMods, aiming simply

to deliver value to the industry I was passionate about from a place that I wanted to be. Like so many other Queensland success stories, I started out small with limited access to capital, and built a business upon a foundation of com- munity and hard work. Running a small business provided me with hands-on experience in prod- uct positioning and delivering value into a mar- ket. It also gave me the freedom and autonomy to explore – to try new things, to adapt and evolve, to make mistakes and to learn from them. As my work through HeliMods is my passion, I was driv- en to find new and better ways to deliver value to our customers. I first looked at international mar- kets as a way of benchmarking the value our team was providing to customers locally; however, it was not long before my business plan evolved to consider scenarios around potential earnings from future exporting. I still remember the sig- nificance of the decision to finally pursue export markets and display our products upon the world stage, and it is fair to say that we haven’t looked back since that day. So, from humble beginnings in a small office at Caloundra Aerodrome in 2002, HeliMods went on to become a supplier to helicopter fleets right across Australia, and then a support for helicop- ter fleets in North America. We also went on from “Local focus, Global impact: Regionally located businesses can absolutely leverage technology and talent to deliver products and services that are competitive on the world stage.”

tional thinking and find new ways to realise val- ue and overcome adversity. Using this definition, it is perhaps easy to understand why entrepre- neurship is so prevalent in Queensland; it is sim- ply part of a broader mindset that can be found across so much of our state. We are familiar with working around the challenges of the vast dis- tances and isolation from major centres. We are often understated and casual in our approach, but we rise to any challenge, and love to compete and win against the odds. We have a strong com- munity and volunteering base that will work to- gether to overcome adversity and rebuild in the wake of natural disasters. But perhaps above all else, we love where we live; we are motivated to be here, and we are prepared to work hard and innovate to realise opportunities for growth.




| Queensland Economic and Innovation Special Report


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