
say, knowledge banks on the subject. In Sydney –and in a big sense this means pretty much all of Australia – there has been only one, all these decades, Len Wallis Audio, Lane Cove Sydney. This is not the kind of purchase, at any level, to make online. You have to see it, hear it. You need intelligent answers to questions. That’s why Len Wallis keeps building more great, comfortable showrooms. For you. Innovatia x Len Wallis

seriously dedicated, expert firms who do this kind of work, over many decades. They’ve evolved from the early audio days through visual and now into very complex home installations. They are deeply into it. This is a passion driven business. Remember, they started out as audio and electronic enthu- siasts to begin with. And they have more and more reliable technical specialists as industry evolution has demanded. They are you could

WHERE HAS THE LEADERSHIP IN THE AUDIO AND ENTERTAINMENT REVOLUTION COME FROM? Most of us have become a bit blind to one remarkable aspect of the technology revolution in recent decades.

E veryone is glued to their iphones. Kids and young adults spend hours on computers and can quote specs and game options end- lessly. Apps abound and we use them constantly. Immersed in this technology environment, many of us have overlooked or underappreci- ated the most pleasurable aspect of technol- ogy advance. Yes, many are missing out. On the possibilities for a more lively, fun and edu- cational home, better family time and… sheer enjoyment. I’m talking about the revolution in audio, which lead to another in visual entertainment, and now continues in the form of major entertainment centres, home cinemas, and a multiplicity of “smart home “electronic features. It’s about a 50-year-old story which started around the time of the first PCs. Maybe it goes back a decade or so longer, to the days of inde- pendent engineer types, fascinated by the pos- sibility of creating true and pure sound repro- duction. You have to admire their obsessive- ness. A lot of small companies on this quest went broke, after some noble and innovative efforts.

Gradually, some of them succeeded. Their efforts and others which followed gave us a previously unimaginable access to qual- ity music reproduction in the home. And then audio-visual options which would have stag- gered a visitor from 1970 or even 2000. And now smart home installations and in home cinemas have pushed the boundaries to a whole new level. Admit it, we’re spoiled by choice and most of us don’t know much, or enough about the options. And it isn’t easy to get sound advice. Most of us don’t realize how much can be achieved for so little these days, when it comes to music and visual entertainment. And who doesn’t love that? And those with really high-end aspirations, who want to hear pure truth in sound, and great colour and images on a large screen or in a home cinema, such people don’t usually know where to go. We’re old audiophiles, from the beginning, so we do know. And here is a really funny thing – or maybe it’s a comment on the unique nature of this specialist business. In any major city around the western world, there are only one or two

Len Wallis Audio Shop Front

Triangle Magellan Duetto 40th

Len Wallis

Cinema Room

McIntosh hybrid integrated amplifier


Holbo 2021 by Studio Kai

B&O Room

Cinema Room




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