
States the curriculum of formal schooling is being ‘pushed down’ into early learning con- texts in place of play. Essentially, kids are being forced to learn formal concepts in lieu of growing the skillsets that will allow them to learn more holistically. “At the same time, a number of Southeast and East Asian education systems are seeking more child centred pedagogic practices to foster holis- tic learning. They are expanding learning out- comes to include social, emotional, physical and higher order thinking skills, and recognising that holistic learning requires executive summary integrative pedagogies such as project-based or inquiry-based learning,” the authors write. As Australia’s education standards and results falter in comparison to our APAC neighbours, per- haps it is worth re-examining the value we place on play in learning. Education programs that involve study skills, metacognition, collabora- tion, and student-centered approaches to learn- ing positively impact overall learner achieve- ment and close the gap between low and high performers. As the authors note, “It is not enough for chil- dren to merely participate in education. The right

of children everywhere is to access quality evi- dence-based education praxis and theory that will equip them to live more materially, socially and culturally meaningful lives in the future.” “The best education programs take a student-centred approach that incorporates study skills, metacognition and collaboration.“ brs?si=ZArKXxF2fmiltQRy

Video - LEGO CITY - The Kids’ Imagination Simulator




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