
the duration and severity of common colds in adults and children. Vitamin C deficiency re- sults in impaired immunity and greater suscep- tibility to all infections, thus begins a vicious cy- cle; infections, in turn, significantly impact on vitamin C levels due to enhanced inflammation and metabolic requirements. Supplementation with vitamin C both prevents and treats respira- tory and systemic infections. COVID-19 can cause more serious conditions such as pneumonia, acute lung injury (ALI), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock and multiple organ failure. Some patients develop serious co-infections of bacteria and fungi. ARDS is characterised by severe hypoxemia (low-blood oxygen), uncon- trolled inflammation, oxidative damage and damage to the air sac barrier in the lung, which can be fatal. Infections and sepsis cause the ‘cytokine storm’. This leads to fluid accumulation in the airways and increased oxidative stress, which is a key factor in pulmonary injury including ALI and ARDS. Vitamin C can act as a COVID-19 prophylaxis or treatment through numerous pathways. It can reduce the incidence and severity of bac- terial and viral infections. Vitamin C increases white blood cell activity, reduces the replication of viruses, enhances the production and activ- ity of white blood cells, including natural killer and helper cells, and increases antibody forma- tion. Also, it is a very powerful antioxidant that can protect cells and tissues. Its antiviral effects have been demonstrated in influenza, herpes viruses, pox viruses and coronaviruses. Vitamin C can ameliorate hyperoxia-induced ALI and attenuate hyperoxia-induced white

blood cell dysfunction. It prevents the cytokine surge that damages the lungs. It eliminates al- veolar fluid by preventing the activation and accumulation of neutrophils – special white blood cells. High-dose intravenous vitamin C (HDIVC) is instrumental in recovery from influenza and ARDS and other serious complications of se- rious viral infections. Patients on life support (ECMO) with a poor prognosis have been rap- idly and successfully recovered using HDIVC, with no evidence of lung fibrosis. IV Vitamin C use in septic shock has been shown to reduce mortality. It also reduces the length of stay in ICU and significantly shortens the duration of mechanical ventilation. HDIVC does not cause kidney stones or kidney damage, excuses used by opponents to justify refusal to use the treatment. A very rare side ef- fect is the preventable breakdown of red blood cells. This can be very serious and result in anae- mia. The G6P-D deficiency test is performed to ensure that very high doses of vitamin C are not administered if the test is positive. In March 2020, on the back of data published by what translates as the “Expert Group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Disease in Shanghai”, the Shanghai government an- nounced its official recommendation that COV- ID-19 should be treated with high doses of IV Vitamin C. According to thousands of doctors around the world who have used HDIVC, this molecule is one of the most powerful in treating virtually all human conditions, including physical and mental illnesses and trauma, and it should be used as the treatment of first choice in every epidemic.




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