
Q&A WITH ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA CEO ROMILLY MADEW The driving force behind Engineers Australia outlines the challenges and triumphs of the profession, and explores its vital role in shaping our future. E ngineering is one of the oldest disci-

to environmental conservation, spearheading sustainable energy projects. Urban Development and Technology: Rap- id population growth demanded robust ur- ban planning. Engineers have been central in designing sustainable cities with efficient waste management, sanitation, and public transport systems. In the digital age, they have ensured Australia remains connected, laying undersea cables and driving projects like the National Broadband Network. What are some things, perhaps under-ap- preciated, that have not changed in the past 100+ years that will endure? Goldfields Water Supply Scheme is a pipe- line and dam project that delivers pota- ble water from Mundaring Weir in Perth to communities in Western Australia’s East- ern Goldfields, particularly Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. The project was commissioned in 1896 and completed in 1903. The pipeline continues to operate today, supplying water to over 100,000 people in over 33,000 house- holds as well as mines, farms, and other en- terprises.

plines in the world. How have engi- neers across different branches shaped the Australia we know today? Engineers have been pivotal in shaping modern Australia, influencing its landmarks, economy, and societal progress. Infrastructure and Transportation: The land- scape of Australia is dotted with engineering icons. The Sydney Harbour Bridge, Opera House, and Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge are just a few structures showcasing engineering prowess. To bridge vast distances within the country, engineers developed intricate road networks, railways, and airports. The Indian Pacific Railway, connecting Perth to Sydney, is a prime example. Natural Resources and Environment: Aus- tralia’s economic strength owes much to its rich mineral resources. Engineers innovated in mining techniques, leading to efficient ex- traction of minerals like coal and gold. In the face of Australia’s arid climate, they also in- troduced sophisticated irrigation systems and projects like the Snowy Mountains Scheme for water management. Their focus also extended




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